Total Transfers by Browser Type (Overview)

        Total        Total 304's
        Requests     (NoMod Req)             Bytes sent  | Browser Type
   19604  84.10%      81  67.50%      110566944  75.29%  | Mozilla/5.*
    1078   4.62%       4   3.33%        5859201   3.99%  | Mozilla/4.*
     677   2.90%       0   0.00%        5665844   3.86%  | Ocelli/1.*
     356   1.53%       0   0.00%          92301   0.06%  | \"Mozilla/5.*
     256   1.10%       0   0.00%         719659   0.49%  | EC2LinkFinder
     156   0.67%       0   0.00%         850790   0.58%  | ichiro/3.*
     142   0.61%       0   0.00%         455723   0.31%  | Java/1.*
      98   0.42%       0   0.00%         540435   0.37%  | Sosospider+(+
      95   0.41%       0   0.00%         145579   0.10%  | psbot/0.*
      85   0.36%      10   8.33%        5733684   3.90%  | TurnitinBot/2.*
      84   0.36%       0   0.00%        2815055   1.92%  | Baiduspider+(+
      57   0.24%       0   0.00%         587735   0.40%  | Opera/9.*
      51   0.22%       0   0.00%         305877   0.21%  | SeznamBot/3.*
      48   0.21%      25  20.83%        4759177   3.24%  | Googlebot-Image/1.*
      47   0.20%       0   0.00%        1696321   1.16%  | DoCoMo/2.*
      44   0.19%       0   0.00%         298716   0.20%  | TLSProber/0.*
      44   0.19%       0   0.00%         298716   0.20%  | \xef\xbb\xbfMozilla/5.*
      28   0.12%       0   0.00%          93284   0.06%  | Gigabot/3.*
      23   0.10%       0   0.00%          88169   0.06%  | SAMSUNG-SGH-E250/1.*
      22   0.09%       0   0.00%          65882   0.04%  | GSLFbot
      22   0.09%       0   0.00%          80662   0.05%  | Yeti/1.*
      20   0.09%       0   0.00%          54115   0.04%  | SemrushBot/0.*
      18   0.08%       0   0.00%          10245   0.01%  | Acoon v4.*
      16   0.07%       0   0.00%        2321952   1.58%  | Burnbit Worker
      16   0.07%       0   0.00%         108208   0.07%  | User-Agent: Mozilla/4.*
      13   0.06%       0   0.00%          75219   0.05%  | Sogou web spider/4.*
      11   0.05%       0   0.00%          56701   0.04%  | Aboundex/0.*
      11   0.05%       0   0.00%          35582   0.02%  | itim
      10   0.04%       0   0.00%          15164   0.01%  | Mail.RU/2.*
       9   0.04%       0   0.00%          54152   0.04%  | msnbot-media/1.*
       9   0.04%       0   0.00%          56150   0.04%  | EdisterBot (
       8   0.03%       0   0.00%          24467   0.02%  | Nutch Experimental Crawler/Nutch-1.*
       8   0.03%       0   0.00%          28020   0.02%  | Bot
       8   0.03%       0   0.00%          30810   0.02%  | ia_archiver (+;
       6   0.03%       0   0.00%           1296   0.00%  | ia_archiver(OS-Wayback)
       6   0.03%       0   0.00%          27588   0.02%  | Comodo-Certificates-Spider
       6   0.03%       0   0.00%          21862   0.01%  | Pixray-Seeker/1.*
       6   0.03%       0   0.00%          44110   0.03%  | facebookexternalhit/1.*
       5   0.02%       0   0.00%          56598   0.04%  | Baiduspider-image+(+
       5   0.02%       0   0.00%           7677   0.01%  | Python-urllib/2.*
       4   0.02%       0   0.00%         614541   0.42%  | Googlebot/2.*
       4   0.02%       0   0.00%          13934   0.01%  | CloudACL/Nutch-1.*
       4   0.02%       0   0.00%          20493   0.01%  | HuaweiSymantecSpider/1.*
       4   0.02%       0   0.00%          27104   0.02%  | MSIE 2.*
       4   0.02%       0   0.00%          27156   0.02%  | \xef\xbb\xbfMozilla/4.*
       4   0.02%       0   0.00%          21088   0.01%  | snarf/7.*
       4   0.02%       0   0.00%              0   0.00%  | COMODO SSL Checker
       3   0.01%       0   0.00%            724   0.00%  |*
       3   0.01%       0   0.00%          14055   0.01%  | Mozilla/0.*
       3   0.01%       0   0.00%          19772   0.01%  | xChaos_Arachne/5.*
       3   0.01%       0   0.00%              0   0.00%  | Xenu Link Sleuth/1.*
       3   0.01%       0   0.00%          10267   0.01%  | EventMachine HttpClient
       3   0.01%       0   0.00%          16840   0.01%  | AppEngine-Google; (+; appid: mobhook)
       3   0.01%       0   0.00%        1101318   0.75%  | MSIE 4.*
       3   0.01%       0   0.00%           7171   0.00%  | Updownerbot (+
       3   0.01%       0   0.00%          20289   0.01%  | Opera/7.*
       2   0.01%       0   0.00%           6967   0.00%  | SubhojitTestCrawl/Nutch-1.*
       2   0.01%       0   0.00%          10950   0.01%  | Yahoo! Slurp China
       2   0.01%       0   0.00%           3477   0.00%  | BlackBerry9630/4.*
       2   0.01%       0   0.00%           6967   0.00%  | SaladSpoon/ShopSalad 1.*
       2   0.01%       0   0.00%              0   0.00%  | gvfs/1.*
       2   0.01%       0   0.00%           7005   0.00%  | Screaming Frog SEO Spider/1.*
       2   0.01%       0   0.00%            407   0.00%  | Kavande Crawler 1.*
       2   0.01%       0   0.00%            468   0.00%  | urlgrabber/3.*
       2   0.01%       0   0.00%           6967   0.00%  | mahonie, neofonie search:robot/search:robot/0.*
       2   0.01%       0   0.00%          13526   0.01%  | Opera/8.*
       2   0.01%       0   0.00%           6967   0.00%  | bldbCrawler/Nutch-1.*
       2   0.01%       0   0.00%           6967   0.00%  | innoventage/Nutch-1.*
       2   0.01%       0   0.00%          13578   0.01%  | : Mozilla/5.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           6789   0.00%  | Mozilla
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           6789   0.00%  | Mozilla/3.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           6763   0.00%  | Mozilla/6.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%            203   0.00%  | Konqueror/1.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           6763   0.00%  | PHP
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           6789   0.00%  | BlackBerry9630/5.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           6854   0.00%  | yacybot (freeworld/global; i386 Linux 3.0.0-16-generic; java 1.7.0_03; Europe/es)
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           6789   0.00%  | Feedfetcher-Google; (+; feed-id=17185102241114140055)
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%              0   0.00%  | curl/7.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           3262   0.00%  | AppEngine-Google; (+; appid: s~getfavicon27)
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           6854   0.00%  | yacybot (freeworld/global; amd64 Linux 2.6.32-39-server; java 1.6.0_26; Europe/de)
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           6789   0.00%  | Baiduspider+(+
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           6789   0.00%  | PEAR HTTP_Request class ( )
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%            216   0.00%  | Wotbox/2.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%              0   0.00%  | GT::WWW/1.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           3262   0.00%  | Safari/6534.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           6763   0.00%  | Axel 2.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           6789   0.00%  | mahonie, neofonie search:robot (;; This is the MIA Bot - crawling for mia research project. If you feel unhappy and do not want to be visited by our crawler send an email to
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           6763   0.00%  | MSIE 3.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           6789   0.00%  | WebIndex (
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%            204   0.00%  | Wget/1.*
   23310 100.00%     120 100.00%      146857376 100.00%

        Total        Total 304's
        Requests     (NoMod Req)             Bytes sent  | Browser Type
     147   0.63%       0   0.00%         555144   0.38%  | Unknown (no agent info given)
   23310  99.37%     120 100.00%      146857376  99.62%  | Remaining entries shown above
   23457 100.00%     120 100.00%      147412512 100.00%

http-analyze 2.01pl15 Copyright © 2012 by RENT-A-GURU® 01/Apr/2012 04:04