Total Transfers by Browser Type (Overview)

        Total        Total 304's
        Requests     (NoMod Req)             Bytes sent  | Browser Type
  378188  97.32%     181 100.00%     2563037952  97.30%  | Mozilla/5.*
    8579   2.21%       0   0.00%       58236724   2.21%  | check_http/v1.*
     301   0.08%       0   0.00%         834428   0.03%  | Java/1.*
     261   0.07%       0   0.00%        1145177   0.04%  | ZoominfoBot (zoominfobot at zoominfo dot com)
     239   0.06%       0   0.00%          72891   0.00%  | wp_is_mobile
     215   0.06%       0   0.00%          60473   0.00%  | Mozlila/5.*
     144   0.04%       0   0.00%         770752   0.03%  | serpstatbot/2.*
     128   0.03%       0   0.00%        6290835   0.24%  | The Knowledge AI
     124   0.03%       0   0.00%         815544   0.03%  | Sogou web spider/4.*
      48   0.01%       0   0.00%         108707   0.00%  | Mozilla/4.*
      48   0.01%       0   0.00%         230749   0.01%  | python-requests/2.*
      34   0.01%       0   0.00%         189704   0.01%  | EBIDAG/4.*
      32   0.01%       0   0.00%         217248   0.01%  | AWSBrewLinkChecker/1.*
      30   0.01%       0   0.00%         203670   0.01%  | Not A;Brand\";v=\"99\",
      30   0.01%       0   0.00%           6480   0.00%  | MauiBot (
      25   0.01%       0   0.00%         136862   0.01%  | Apache-HttpClient/4.*
      22   0.01%       0   0.00%          77900   0.00%  | CCBot/2.*
      19   0.00%       0   0.00%         690240   0.03%  | Googlebot-Image/1.*
      15   0.00%       0   0.00%          23395   0.00%  | ALittle Client
      13   0.00%       0   0.00%        1321204   0.05%  | curl/7.*
      11   0.00%       0   0.00%          52494   0.00%  | firefox
       9   0.00%       0   0.00%          61101   0.00%  | Expanse, a Palo Alto Networks company, searches across the global IPv4
       8   0.00%       0   0.00%          33820   0.00%  | Twitterbot/1.*
       8   0.00%       0   0.00%           8326   0.00%  | Go-http-client/1.*
       7   0.00%       0   0.00%         280859   0.01%  | LightspeedSystemsCrawler Mozilla/5.*
       6   0.00%       0   0.00%          21015   0.00%  | test
       6   0.00%       0   0.00%          15954   0.00%  | MBCrawler/1.*
       6   0.00%       0   0.00%          30153   0.00%  | Dalvik/2.*
       4   0.00%       0   0.00%          33353   0.00%  | YisouSpider
       4   0.00%       0   0.00%          27156   0.00%  | 8LEGS
       4   0.00%       0   0.00%            840   0.00%  | Python-urllib/3.*
       3   0.00%       0   0.00%           7221   0.00%  | yacybot (/global; amd64 Linux 5.15.0-52-generic; java 11.0.16; Europe/en)
       3   0.00%       0   0.00%          24838   0.00%  | GigablastOpenSource/1.*
       3   0.00%       0   0.00%          13794   0.00%  | got (
       2   0.00%       0   0.00%          13578   0.00%  | SEMrushBot
       2   0.00%       0   0.00%           7005   0.00%  | netEstate NE Crawler (+
       2   0.00%       0   0.00%        1314976   0.05%  | Googlebot/2.*
       2   0.00%       0   0.00%          13578   0.00%  | LinkedInBot/1.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           6789   0.00%  | Mozilla/8.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%            216   0.00%  | webprosbot/2.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%            216   0.00%  | daumoa,damoa,daum,daumos,duamoa,duam,duamo
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           6789   0.00%  | Python/3.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%              0   0.00%  | Java/15-*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           6789   0.00%  | libcurl-agent/7.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           5590   0.00%  | facebookexternalhit/1.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%            228   0.00%  | RepoLookoutBot/1.*
  388593 100.00%     181 100.00%     2634172160 100.00%

        Total        Total 304's
        Requests     (NoMod Req)             Bytes sent  | Browser Type
      32   0.01%       0   0.00%         286074   0.01%  | Unknown (no agent info given)
  388593  99.99%     181 100.00%     2634172160  99.99%  | Remaining entries shown above
  388625 100.00%     181 100.00%     2634458112 100.00%

http-analyze 2.01pl15 Copyright © 2022 by RENT-A-GURU® 01/Dec/2022 04:03