WWW Access Statistics for the last 12 months

hits by month

Short statistics for July 2024 (updated more frequently)
Month Hits Files Pageviews Sessions KBytes sent
July 2024 2741314 2702395 1568953 60440 21615518
June 2024 2641563 2564905 1015936 26709 20639422
May 2024 1155535 1080763 244085 15611 8811564
April 2024 665018 591321 242626 17163 4836976
March 2024 575567 520128 251104 13783 4020018
February 2024 503895 449321 207514 12497 3661467
January 2024 423328 361188 190213 24981 2834305
December 2023 356800 308163 191983 28591 2252272
November 2023 403235 309622 153072 24815 2153548
October 2023 350616 293182 161341 34031 2229541
September 2023 262624 219349 124419 29286 1624998
August 2023 311394 273237 163666 25228 2142496
Total 10390889 9673574 4514912 313135 76822120
Average 865907 806131 376242 26094 6401843

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